Detective Carl

The Extrables Detective Carl

Career boob, Detective Carl is known more for is career mess-ups and hijinks with fellow Officer Carl then his redeemable detective skills. His Hobbies include greasy food cheap beer and women. Although Detective Carl holds the rank of Detective this promotion was not based on merit but rather Police Captain Toxic Shock’s way of trying to form a rift between Detective and Officer Carl. It did not.

Alignment: Good

Team: Y.C.P.D

Powers: None

Quotes: “Alright, stand still. Golden corral on you!” (Issue #5 Cheap Sunglasses)

First Appearance: The Extrables: Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses

Featured In: Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses, Issue #5 Doughnut Run The Jewels Fast, Issue #6 Handy Capable, Issue #10 Take me to your Feeler, Issue #11 Three Finger Death Punch